Began November 22nd, 2023 at 6:00pm MST and ended December 2nd, 2023
Kelly Anne Ambrose
Title: “Glorifying God”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Acrylic and gold foil
Instagram: @kellyanneambrose
Nancy Andruk Olson
Title: “Harvest Moon”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Watercolor on paper
Instagram: @nancyandrukolsonartist
Nancy Andruk Olson
Title: “They toil not”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Watercolor on paper
Instagram: @nancyandrukolsonartist
Nila Jane Autry
Title: “Always abounding in good works, being led to Glorify God.”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Oil on Panel
Jennifer Babcock
Title: “She Could Hold It, But Just Not Taste”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Oil on Panel
Instagram: @fineartbyjen
Jennah Larsen
Title: “There is hope in Christ”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Oil on Linen
Instagram: @jennahlarsenfineart
Brynley Lazar
Title: “You hold the Key”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Digital collage and mixed media
Mariah Mecham
Title: “The Known & Unknown Christ”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Mixed Media (Stain on Muslin)
Instagram: @mariahmecham
Jessica Michaelson
Title: “Anchored in Christ”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Oil on Panel
Instagram: @jessicamichaelsonart
Colby A. Sanford
Title: “Prayer for a Dying Flower”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Acrylic on Panel
Instagram: @colbyasanford
Danene Taysom
Title: “Edge of Day”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Oil on Panel
Instagram: @danenetaysom
J. Kirk Richards
Title: “The Love of Heavenly Parents”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Oil on Panel
Instagram: @jkirkrichards
Jessica Day Smith
Title: “Hope is a child under a warm quilt”
Size: 5x5
Medium: Oil on Panel
Instagram: @artpiesbabies
Sabrina Squires
Size: 5x5
Medium Unknown