Begun November 17th 2021

Kelly Ambrose

Title: “Forward”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Acrylic on Panel

Instagram: @kellyanneambrose

Kelly Ambrose

Title: “There Is A Place Prepared For You”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Acrylic on Panel

Instagram: @kellyanneambrose

Lindey Carter

Title: “Taken In”

Size: 6x6

Medium: Watercolor on Panel

Instagram: @lindeycarter

Kayli Champneys

Title: “Clouds at Evening”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @kchampneys

Joshua Doxey

Title: “Healing Waters: Corona Del Mar”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @joshua.doxey

Joshua Doxey

Title: “Healing Waters: Newport Pier”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @joshua.doxey

Lydia Eddington

Title: “Milk and Honey”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel


Ginger Egbert

Title: “Faith Resurrected”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil, Acrylic & Metal Leaf

Instagram: @ginger.dall.egbert

Abigail Ellsworth

Title: “The Great Shepherd”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @abigailellsworth_art

Renee Foutz

Title: “Forget me Not”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @Reneemarie_fineart

David Habben

Title: “Many Mansions”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Ink

Instagram: @habben_illustration

Rebecca Johnson

Title: “The Flower Fadeth”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Watercolor, Gouache, Gold leaf

Instagram: @rebeccajohnsonartwork

Julie Ann Lake-Díaz

Title: “Peace Like A River”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Website: @julianalakediaz

Emilie Buck Lewis

Title: “Father, Mother, may I meet you?”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Acrylic and Oil on Panel

Instagram: @emiliebucklewisstudios

Emilie Buck Lewis

Title: “Pietà after Bouguereau”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @emiliebucklewisstudios

Howard Lyon

Title: “A Moment of Peace and Light”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @howardlyonart

Shari Lyon

Title: “The Asherah, the Menorah and the Sacred Tree (what once was lost, now is found)”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Encaustic

Instagram: @sharilyonart

Maureen Merrell

Title: “My Table is Spread”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel


Todd Orchard

Title: “hazy gazie”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel


Whitney Ostebo

Title: “At home in Her soul”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel


Gustavo Ramos

Title: “Facing the Light”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @gustavoramosart

Summer Ray

Title: “On Her Right Side”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @fineartbysummerray

Summer Ray

Title: “Walk of Hope”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @fineartbysummerray

J. Kirk Richards

Title: “Carry”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @jkirkrichards

J. Kirk Richards

Title: “Teacher”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @jkirkrichards

Tausha Schumann

Title: “Vibrant Salt Lake City Temple”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @taushas_art

Rose Datoc Dall

Title: “Small Oil Study of Christ”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @rosedatocdall

Rick Shorten

Title: “A Small Blue Space”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @rickshortenart

Rick Shorten

Title: “Calculating Ways and Means”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @rickshortenart

Austin Simkins

Title: “Eye See You”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @austin_simkins

Beki Tobiasson

Title: “Lending Strength”

Size: 5x5

Medium: Oil on Panel

Instagram: @bekitobiassonartist